Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog is Trying to play Call of Duty

I’ve been playing a lot of call of duty lately. My favorite character is the sniper because it’s so much fun to kill people with one bullet and then watch their heads explode when I get killed myself! It makes me feel like such an evil genius. One time my friend told me he thought that maybe I was too good at killing things in real life… but I think that just means he doesn’t understand how awesome I am. He probably thinks I’m not very nice or something. That guy has no idea what he’s missing out on.
Anyway, I love being able to

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty

Caroline Zalog Trying To Play Call Of Duty